Building SeisSol

Welcome to the instructions for installing and running SeisSol. Therefore, this page serves as a high-level gateway to the individual steps of the build process. To the current state, SeisSol has many dependencies due to a large amount of code generators, math libraries, and programming models (yes, all three of them).

Thus, we recommend using the Spack package; it can be found in the official Spack registry under seissol.

Otherwise, if the spack package does not work, you can also install SeisSol on your own.

  • Start by installing all necessary dependencies. As a warning, they may be quite a few in number. See the instructions under Build Dependencies on how to start.

  • Then, compile SeisSol. See the instructions under Build SeisSol for possible options.

Once you are done, you can test your installation by running the SeisSol proxy, as well as some examples.