Compiling and running SeisSol

For this page, we will assume that all the environment variables from the previous section to be loaded. That is, you have installed your dependencies to $SEISSOL_PREFIX.

To build SeisSol, fetch the latest version of SeisSol on git by cloning the repository, including all submodules:

git clone --recursive --branch vX.Y.Z --depth 1

You may also do a shallow clone by adding --depth=1 which will save a bit of download volume.

To download the full repository, as needed e.g. for development, run

git clone --recursive

Note, however, that the master branch may be unstable.

Building SeisSol

Then, given that you have built or installed all required dependencies, you may compile SeisSol for CPUs as follows (or use ccmake for a GUI):

mkdir -p build && cd build
make -j 4

Note that you may need to adjust your host architecture, especially if you are on an ARM-based machine: then you will need to add at least -DHOST_ARCH=neon, or one of the other ARM-compatible architectures. Sometimes, the ninja build tool can speed up your build process. To use it, add -GNinja to the cmake command (you might need to delete your cmake folder first to switch from make).

Generally, we recommend using PRECISION=single for faster simulations. If you experience Inf/NaN errors (cf. also ), then setting PRECISION=double is a good idea. The ORDER equals the convergence order which in turn equals degree of the used polynomials plus one.

A full list of build flags can be found here.

In case of a manual installation of dependencies (and not using the script from the “Installing Dependencies” page), you may have to prepend :code:CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and :code:PKG_CONFIG_PATH to the cmake command, e.g. for dependencies installed in :code:${PREFIX}:


It is also important that the executables of the matrix multiplication generators (LIBXSMM, PSpaMM) have to be located in your CMake prefix or your :code:PATH variable.

You can also compile just the proxy by make SeisSol-proxy or only the SeisSol executable with make SeisSol-bin. Note that currently that compiling the proxy only will still require all necessary dependencies like MPI and Hdf5, even though it does not make use of it.

You can also run ccmake .. to see all available options and toggle them.

An example of ccmake with some options

Building for GPUs

When building for GPUs, you will need to install SYCL and gemmforge, chainforge as well. Also, you will need to supply the device backend and the device architecture. The backend can be cuda, hip, or one of the SYCL implementations, hipsycl or oneapi.

Generally, we recommend compiling for simgle precision on GPUs.

To give some examples: for an NVIDIA GH200 Superchip, you would therefore need to set (note that the HOST_ARCH field here needs to be changed to something ARM-based)

mkdir build && cd build
make -j 4

For an AMD Instinct MI250X GPU with Zen 3 CPU, you could do

mkdir build && cd build
make -j 4

On an Intel Data Center Max GPU 1550, you could set

mkdir build && cd build
make -j 4

Cray compiler environments and GPUs

When compiling AdaptiveCpp with the Cray Compiler Environment, it may not find some MPI files. Therefore, you can use the following workaround (given that you know the base compilers, here written as COMPILER_C and COMPILER_CXX):

mkdir -p build && cd build
CC=$COMPILER_C CXX=$COMPILER_CXX CFLAGS=$(cc --cray-print-opts=all) CXXFLAGS=$(CC --cray-print-opts=all) cmake $!
make -j 4

Why different builds?

Currently, SeisSol builds have the following constraints: they are restricted to one PDE, one precision and one polynomial degree usage for discretization

  • a single equation system (isotropic elastic, anisotropic elastic, viscoelastic, poroelastic)

  • a single polynomial discretization degree (2 to 8)

  • a precision (float or double)

  • a target architecture

Subsequently, it can be useful to re-build SeisSol multiple times with different configurations. Each of these SeisSol builds has a different executable name, and they can be installed side-by-side.

Finding out your target architecture

For SeisSol to work optimally, you will need to find out your CPU and GPU architecture you want to run on. That is, if you have a cluster, you will usually find the specifications within the documentation of it. A list of the supported architectures can be found on the build parameters page.

Generally speaking, if you encounter SIGILL errors, change your HOST_ARCH to a less demanding one (e.g. skx to hsw).

A few heuristics may help in the beginning:

  • hsw if you work with your personal computer or laptop. [1]

  • skx if on an x86_64 cluster, or a high-end workstation which supports AVX-512, or AVX10/512. (e.g.: SuperMUC-NG, or any cluster with Intel CPUs, or AMD CPUs with Zen 4 or newer).

  • neon on an ARM machine, and specify your CPU over the -mcpu parameter. If your machine supports SVE (such as A64FX or the Nvidia Grace CPU), then you can also use sve128, sve256, or sve512; but you will still need to specify -mcpu.

  • noarch if nothing else works

It shall be noted that support for the latest Apple Macbooks using Apple M1 or M2 processors is highly experimental and may lead to an unstable build or incorrect results.

For a list of known CPU (and GPU) configurations, see here.

For GPUs, you may determine the local GPU if you have a viable llvm/clang installation available, e.g. by loading a module. Then you can run the following commands. If you are on a cluster, make sure to run them on a compute node. * run nvptx-arch to determine the architecture version of the Nvidia GPUs * run amdgpu-arch to determine the architecture version of the AMD GPUs (including the integrated GPUs of AMD CPUs)

Alternatively, you can also use: * nvidia-smi --query-gpu compute_cap --format=csv for Nvidia GPUs. The numbers will be printed in the format “x.y” which corresponds to “sm_xy”. E.g., “8.6” will become “sm_86”. * clinfo -l for AMD GPUs or Intel GPUs. * rocminfo | grep gfx for AMD GPUs.

Minimal builds

For a minimal build (used e.g. to test), you can run:

mkdir -p build && cd build
make -j 4

Note that the performance will suffer here with both on single-rank and especially multi-rank setups.

Compile with Score-P

The Score-P measurement infrastructure is a highly scalable and easy-to-use tool suite for profiling and event tracing of HPC applications. To compile with Score-P, use:

SCOREP_WRAPPER=off CXX=scorep-mpic++ CC=scorep-mpicc cmake ..
SCOREP_WRAPPER_INSTRUMENTER_FLAGS="--user --thread=omp --nomemory" make

Running SeisSol

Once SeisSol has been compiled successfully, enter your build directory and run the SeisSol version of choice. For instructions on how to run SeisSol on your PC or on your cluster, see Running SeisSol.

Further information regarding meshing and parameter files etc. can be found in the documentation folder. See also A first example.