
SeisSol is a software package for simulating wave propagation and dynamic rupture based on the arbitrary high-order accurate derivative discontinuous Galerkin method (ADER-DG).

Characteristics of the SeisSol simulation software are:

  • use of arbitrarily high approximation order in time and space

  • use of tetrahedral meshes to approximate complex 3D model geometries (faults & topography) and rapid model generation

  • use of (an)isotropic elastic, viscoelastic and viscoplastic material to approximate realistic geological subsurface properties

  • parallel geo-information input (ASAGI)

  • to produce reliable and sufficiently accurate synthetic seismograms or other seismological data sets

We gratefully acknowledge the funding of the German Research Foundation (as part of project no. 391134334 - “CoCoReCS”), which massively contributed to creating all documentation, tutorials, example workflows and reproducible setups published on this website.